Health and Safety Guidelines
- Before being allowed to participate in any BYLA practice, game or event, each player must:
- At the beginning of the season: complete, print and turn in the BYLA Release of Liability (which is included in the Team Snap registration prompts and is also available for download at;
- Before each event: on TeamSnap App, register attendance and complete a daily COVID questionnaire (note: the questionnaire cannot be completed more than 8 hours prior to a BYLA practice or game). If you do not pre-register attendance on TeamSnap AND complete the daily COVID questionnaire, your player will not be permitted to participate in any BYLA practice or game.
- All players must use face coverings where social distance of at least 6 feet cannot be maintained (e.g., to/from car and common areas) EXCEPT during physical activities, but even during physical activities face coverings are strongly encouraged to be worn by players. Coaches/Trainers/Volunteers must use face coverings at all times where social distance of at least 6 feet cannot be maintained. Any player who does not have a proper face covering will not be allowed to participate in any BYLA practice or game.
- Players must avoid using benches and keep bags separate from other bags (i.e., bags must be spread out at least six feet).
- Players should arrive ready to play in full gear (i.e., no changing/putting on cleats, pads, socks, etc. on at field).
- Coaches/Trainers will spread out players during drills/practice when practical.
- Players must not share any equipment during practices other than lacrosse balls provided by coaches and team managers (and team goalie pads, where applicable). All players must bring their own face coverings, lacrosse pads/helmets and water bottles (NO SHARING AT ALL). All players are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer.
- As always, ONLY registered Coaches/Trainers/Managers may instruct or interact with the players.
- At fields, each player is limited to two spectators. All spectators must wear face coverings/socially distance at least 6’ apart. No spectators are allowed at indoor facilities.
- Parents must monitor their children prior to each BYLA session. Any player, coach, or spectator with a positive COVID-19 test or known or suspected exposure to COVID-19 or showing any COVID-19 symptoms[1] at any time in preceding 14 days must strictly adhere to applicable New York State Department of Health Guidelines (“Dept of Health Guidelines”) [2] relating to required and recommended quarantine. In addition, any person (player or parent) with a temperature of 100 degrees or above may not attend any BYLA session and must strictly adhere to applicable Dept of Health Guidelines on required and recommended quarantine. BYLA reserves the right in its sole discretion to exclude any player, coach or spectator that shows any COVID-19 symptoms.
- Dept of Health Guidelines will be strictly interpreted and applied to all BYLA practices, games, events, players and coaches, including with respect to required and recommended quarantine. BYLA will also adhere to and strictly apply additional guidelines, including but not limited to those established by US Lacrosse and any field or facility used for BYLA practices or games.
- All participants in BYLA practices and games must comply with all local laws and regulations.
- Every equipment bag should have: -Medical kit (ice pack, bandaids, etc) -Disinfectant wipes -Hand Sanitizer bottle
- The Health and Safety Guidelines above are established in addition to existing BYLA rules relating to health, safety and equipment, and are intended to supplement and not replace pre-existing policies.
- These Health and Safety Guidelines may be updated at any time by BYLA in its sole discretion. Further restrictions and guidelines may be implemented at any time by the New York State Department of Health, US Lacrosse and any of the fields or facilities where BYLA practices or plays.
[1] People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: Fever or chills; Cough; Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; Fatigue; Muscle or body aches; Headache; New loss of taste or smell; Sore throat; Congestion or runny nose; Nausea or vomiting; or Diarrhea. (
[2] Please familiarize yourself with the New York State Department of Health Guidelines